Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Que Viva, Peru!

Today is Peru's Independence Day!

I totally forgot about it til I read my sister's new status, on facebook. She's still got a pretty good case of Peruvian fever since she just got back from a three-week Peruvian vacation a few weeks ago. Lucky her! Sigh. I was hoping to make it there next year but it looks as if Costa Rica is going to win. How horrible is that?! Instead of Peru, I have to suffer in Costa Rica! ;)

Carmen had too many great pics to choose from so instead I'll just post two pics that I fell in love with. They are hung in the lobby of the Doubletree Hotel, in Lima (Miraflores to be exact!). I've always loved the traditional art of Peru, of women in their beautiful typical dresses, but my decoarting taste is way too contemporary. When I saw these I almost shouted for joy. They are on my list of prints to find and hang once we get past this whole med school thing and we actually have money to decorate our walls.

Que viva, Peru!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

One More Hour

A few days ago I was on the phone with a good friend and she mentioned to me that she woke up an hour early, every day, to go have a cup of coffee with her mom before they both went of to work.

I can't get that image out of my head - of being able to spend some alone time with a parent just catching up on everyday events or even just complaining about traffic. As a mom of two, I know how valuable some quite adult time can be. As a daughter who's lost both parents, I know that my friend's hour with her mom is priceless.

Marriage and parenthood is both a dream come true and a nightmare. I wonder what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong all the time. And now I wonder what topics I would cover if I had one more hour. Would I just be content to have someone make me breakfast? Would I brag about my kids or complain about them? Would I listen to their advice or roll my eyes like I did so many times before? I don't know. I do know that I would greet them with a big hug, have a great laugh or two and leave with a kiss.

Today makes 12 years since my parents have passed away and what I would give for just one more hour.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

That's All I Want. For Today

Check out this rug!! Is it bad to be in love with a rug? Should my husband be worried?Probably not since the cheapest pillows I saw on this site are $135.00!! Seriously, who pays that for a throw pillow. Actually, I rather not know. :)

For now, all I want is a deck with this rug beneath my bare feet and a lemonade. Or margarita, I'm really not that picky.

That's all I want. For today.
(Link: http://www.hableconstruction.com/happenings_collaborations.php?id=7)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Few Short Months

I have become such a fan of blogs - I think I follow something like 58 of them. There are some that make me wish I was more creative, some that make me laugh out loud and some that just inspire me so much.

Because we want to adopt one day, I've started to follow some families and their adoption adventure. One particular family, in Kentucky, adopted the cutest lil twin girls. I used to look at their pictures and just think how truly happy their kids were. I really did.

Then she posted this.

There are days that I think to myself, "I am trying to adopt kids when what I really need to do is find someone to adopt mine!" :) And on those days, I go look at this particular post and I just know we have to do this.

If you want to feel inspired, go check it out. If you want to see what love can do in an orphan's lives, don't miss it. If you ever feel like there is too much hate in this world and feel just plain overwhelmed, go see what this family has accomplished in a few short months.

PS: Are they not soooo cute?